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Live Cast Recording


"Hear Him" Lyrics

Inside my heart a longing

Is longing to be heard

And longing more

To hear the Lord

And understand His word.


I ponder how I love Him

And how He loves me more.

Then suddenly,

He’s here with me

And opens heaven’s door.



Like a fire that burns inside me,

I hear Him.

Like a choir that blends in harmony,

His Spirit stirs my soul.

Like a Shepherd, He is beckoning.

I recognize His call,

Though still and small.

I hear Him.


I’m learning to be quiet.

I’m learning to be still—

To give a place,

An open space

The Savior’s light can fill.


When worries and confusion

Weigh heavy on my mind,

When thoughts distract,

I guide them back

And wait for His reply.


[Repeat Chorus]


When by life’s uncertainty and fear I’m overcome,

My Father knows what helps me most is listening to His Son:


A whisper or impression,

A scripture or a song,

A tender thought,

A sermon taught,

A sense of right or wrong,


A gentle reassurance

That what I’ve learned is true,

That line by line,

In heart and mind,

Illuminates my view.


[Repeat Chorus]


I hear Him.

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